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Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Household Notebook...

Here's my composition I mentioned in my New Year's Resolution post.  I mentioned that I was using the pomodoro technique, but  once I finish decluttering each room, I plan on taking the advise in this post from Clover Lane and walking through my house like a potential buyer and writing down everything that needs to be done.  

I'm not doing it right away because I am starting out with such a mess that the list will be ridiculously long{er} than it already is going to be!  I do keep it handy throughout the day though.  I have divided it into shopping list, small tasks (things that will be inexpensive to do), and larger tasks (these are the more expensive projects).  And as I am cleaning and decluttering, if I think of something I need to do or buy I write it down then get straight back to what I was doing.  

I've already scratched two things off my shopping list!  I am really liking having a running list because now anytime I have extra money (Christmas or birthday money)  I won't blow it on another pair of I need more shoes...seriously, wait till I organize my closet!  My nanny says she's going to have a shoe intervention for me! lol

Anyhow, plus I know what I need so I can shop around and keep an eye out for things we want/need for the house!

I've been working on cleaning out my kitchen this week, but I am doing really well knocking off my check list in the morning then in the afternoon I do a little crafting, and work on something from my running list of "to dos"!

I'm super excited.  I have been doing this for a couple weeks and I really feel so much better!  It's like once I write it down, I'm not worrying about it any more.  I guess I've got a little Lord Byron in me!  

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Amy @ Increasingly Domestic said...

I have a notebook that I keep running lists in too! I have found that if I write it down and get it out of my head I can relax. I put it on my nightstand at night as well so that when my brain is too full to go to sleep I can purge with my pen and sleep:)
Good luck with your new system!!!

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