Annoucement: I recently made a biggggg mistake and managed to delete all of my blog photos. I am working to get them all back up asap. Please bear with me, and if you have any questions on tutorials, please feel free to email me and I will try to help you out as best as I can...Thanks!

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions!

Wow!  I can't believe 2010 has come and gone!  I have never really been one for New Year's Resolutions, but I am making a couple this year!

Number 1 is to actually decorated my house!  I have been holding off because I just never could figure out what I wanted to do, but thanks to all of the fabulous creative ladies I have come across in blogland, I suddenly have the urge to decorate, and some amazing ideas to get started on!

Number 2 is to start doing my P90X!  I have had it collecting dust for months now and I don't get much encouragement from anyone.  You see I am pretty tiny so most of the time when I say anything about wanting to excersie I get eye rolls, but the fact is that tiny people have feelings too!  Yes, I may not weigh much but after having three children in 4 years I do have a flabby belly and cellulite!  Don't believe me?  Ask my cousin.  In a moment of shock when she saw me in a bathing suit she shouted out "Oh my gosh April!  You do have cellulite!"  then proceed to gawk and poke at it!  In her defense, it absolutely was not done to hurt my feelings.  She just really could not believe the cellulite on my legs and behind!  lol  In her words I guess everyone really does have their own body issues!  So no eye rolls please, but if anyone else out there as P90X and wants to be my accountability partner comment me!  If there is enough interest maybe I could do a giveaway at the end of the 90 days for those who did it at least 4 days a week or something like that!

What are your New Year's Resolutions ?

Happy New Year! 


Teaching with Grace said...

I love your resolutions! I also have my own for the new year:

1) Have a more equal share between work and family. Less work mainly!

2) I'm challenging myself to do 100 projects in 2011. Lots of fun ideas!

Jennifer Smith said...

I can be ur buddy for #2. I can't do P90x right now, because I have a lil baby belly:)) But I can certainly encourge you!! I will let you return the favor after Gabriella is born. Oh! & where do I sign up for giveaway?! LOL

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